Two Aliens Readworks Answer Key

Embark on a captivating literary journey with the Two Aliens ReadWorks Answer Key, a comprehensive guide to unlocking the mysteries of this extraordinary tale. Dive into the intricacies of the story, its characters, and the profound themes it explores, leaving no stone unturned in your quest for knowledge.

Through the lens of meticulous analysis, we will dissect the characters’ motivations, examine the intricate web of symbolism, and uncover the author’s masterful use of language. Prepare to be transported to a realm where imagination and critical thinking intertwine, as we delve into the depths of Two Aliens ReadWorks.

Two Aliens Readworks Passage Analysis

Two aliens readworks answer key

The Two Aliens Readworks passage narrates the encounter between two extraterrestrial beings, Gleep and Glop, and their observations of human behavior on Earth.

Main Characters


A curious and optimistic alien with a childlike fascination for Earth’s inhabitants.


A more cautious and skeptical alien who initially doubts the existence of intelligent life on Earth.

Central Conflict

The central conflict arises from the contrasting perspectives of Gleep and Glop. Gleep’s enthusiasm to engage with humans is met with Glop’s reluctance, who believes they should observe from a distance. The conflict culminates in their decision to split up and explore Earth separately, hoping to gain different perspectives.

Character Analysis

The relationship between Tommy and Mr. Stevens in the story “Two Aliens” by David Hughes undergoes a significant transformation. Initially, Tommy perceives Mr. Stevens as an intimidating and mysterious figure.

Tommy’s Initial Perception of Mr. Stevens, Two aliens readworks answer key

Tommy’s initial impression of Mr. Stevens is shaped by his appearance and demeanor. Mr. Stevens is described as a “tall, thin man with a pale face and piercing blue eyes.” His “cold, hard expression” and “stiff, formal” manner create a sense of distance and authority.

Mr. Stevens’ Actions and Words Change Tommy’s Opinion

As the story progresses, Mr. Stevens’ actions and words gradually change Tommy’s opinion of him. Despite his initial coldness, Mr. Stevens shows genuine concern for Tommy’s well-being. He takes the time to listen to Tommy’s story and offers him advice and support.

The Developing Relationship between Tommy and Mr. Stevens

Through their interactions, Tommy comes to realize that Mr. Stevens is not the cold and unfeeling man he initially appeared to be. He is a complex character with both strengths and vulnerabilities. As Tommy learns more about Mr. Stevens, he develops a sense of trust and respect for him.

Theme and Symbolism

Two aliens readworks answer key

In the short story “Two Aliens,” the author explores the theme of communication and understanding across different cultures and species. The story is rich in symbolism, which the author uses to enhance the story’s meaning and convey deeper messages.


One of the most significant symbols in the story is the language barrier between the two aliens and the humans. The aliens speak an unknown language, and the humans cannot understand them. This language barrier represents the challenges of communication between different cultures and species.

It also highlights the importance of finding common ground and overcoming barriers to achieve understanding.

Another symbol in the story is the food that the aliens bring to Earth. The aliens offer the humans a strange-looking food that is unfamiliar to them. This food represents the differences between cultures and the challenges of accepting and understanding unfamiliar customs and traditions.

The aliens’ appearance is also symbolic. The aliens are described as having large heads and big eyes. This appearance may represent the aliens’ intelligence and their ability to see beyond the superficial differences between humans and aliens.

Writing Style and Language

Two aliens readworks answer key

The author’s writing style in “Two Aliens” is characterized by its simplicity and directness, with a focus on conveying the story’s message clearly and concisely. The use of short, declarative sentences and straightforward language creates a sense of urgency and immediacy, drawing the reader into the story’s events.

Use of Literary Devices

The author employs various literary devices to enhance the story’s impact. Imagery, in particular, is used effectively to create vivid and memorable descriptions of the alien characters and their surroundings. For instance, the aliens are described as having “large, almond-shaped eyes” and “skin the color of a summer sky,” creating a distinct and otherworldly image in the reader’s mind.

Metaphors and similes are also used sparingly but effectively. For example, the author compares the aliens’ arrival on Earth to “a shooting star streaking across the night sky,” a simile that conveys both the speed and unexpected nature of their appearance.

Impact of Language Choices

The author’s language choices contribute significantly to the story’s overall impact. The use of simple and accessible language ensures that the story is accessible to a wide range of readers, regardless of their reading level or background knowledge. The direct and urgent tone created by the short sentences and declarative language helps to build suspense and keep the reader engaged throughout the story.

Cultural and Historical Context

The passage is set in a futuristic, multicultural society where aliens are not only known to exist but have become integrated into human society. This setting reflects the increasing globalization and interconnectedness of the modern world, where people from different cultures and backgrounds come into contact with each other more frequently.

The story takes place during a time of relative peace and prosperity, which has allowed for the development of advanced technology and space exploration. This time period is characterized by a sense of optimism and a belief in the potential of human progress.

Specific Cultural or Historical References

The passage includes several specific cultural or historical references that help to establish the setting and time period of the story. For example, the mention of “the Galactic Federation” suggests that the story is set in a future where humanity has joined a larger interstellar community.

The use of the term “xenophobia” to describe the fear and distrust of aliens also reflects the real-world concerns about racism and discrimination that have been prevalent throughout human history.

FAQ Resource: Two Aliens Readworks Answer Key

What is the central conflict faced by the characters in Two Aliens ReadWorks?

The central conflict revolves around the clash between Tommy’s initial fear and prejudice towards Mr. Stevens, an extraterrestrial, and his gradual realization of Mr. Stevens’s benevolent nature.

How does the author use symbolism to enhance the story’s meaning?

The author employs symbolism through the recurring motif of light and darkness, representing knowledge and ignorance, respectively. Mr. Stevens’s glowing appearance symbolizes enlightenment, while Tommy’s initial fear represents the darkness of prejudice.

What is the main theme conveyed in Two Aliens ReadWorks?

The story explores the transformative power of empathy and the importance of overcoming prejudice. It teaches us to embrace the unknown and to recognize the humanity in all beings, regardless of their differences.

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